What is the difference between exhaustion and burnout?
Knowing the difference is vital. As I have ample experience with burnout, I decided to talk about it. With burnout the most important thing is to be aware. Burnout drivers have a way of convincing us that we need to go on even as soul and body desperately need to rest.
What are the symptoms of burnout?
Here are the 9 symptoms of burnout in more detail. Wait for the last one. It's the one with a vicious kick in it. Please track your own symptoms so you can take care of yourself. Check out my Revive! Burnout Coaching on my website. Burnout's vicious kick is not for sissies and it cannot always be overcome alone.
The ennea 2 & burnout, how it develops and how to heal it
This video explains how the enneagram type 2 can slide into burnout and how it can overcome burnout. The ennea 2 is the compassionate helper. It sits in the heart triad of the enneagram. The 2 at its best is the consummate servant leader, the generous helper, the person who sees the needs in others and with much competence and energy fills these needs.