The Enneagram Map

Your Enneagram report

and 90-minutes session

Get the map to your personality.

Know yourself.


What you don’t know, blocks you.

A map makes invisible paths visible. It gives you the lay of the land and shows you the way. Maps make life easier. These are signs an Enneagram Map will make your life so much easier too:

  • You would like to understand yourself better.

  • You have tried everything, but your problems repeat like you are caught in a loop.

  • You have that persistent feeling that something escapes you.

  • You feel drained, frustrated, anxious or overwhelmed. You cannot see clearly.

A map makes life easier:

With the Enneagram Map you understand who you are, who you can be at your best and how to get where you want to be:

Know your best self

Embrace your gifts, drivers and values to become who you are at your best while avoiding ego traps

Understand where your blind spots are.

They exasperate you. They drain you. They keep you stuck. They lead you into burnout. Once you understand your blind spots you can take matters into your own hands instead of waiting for others to change.

Enjoy a sense of direction and purpose

that comes with understanding your personal growth path. There is a central challenge to each of our lives, a central piece of learning.

Your Professional Enneagram Map

for leadership and team coaching


  • your personal Professional Enneagram Report from Integrative9,
  • a 90-minutes one-on-one Enneagram session so you know your inner pathways towards depletion or energy, towards just managing or leading, towards stagnation or growth,
  • a recording of your session.

You will

  • understand your values, drivers and inner dynamics and how they shape you,
  • feel the relief of understanding yourself,
  • have a clear overview of your leadership skills, strengths and how to grow them,
  • see how you impact your team, how you can become a better team player to go into high performance together,
  • have an overview of the types of stress and level of stress you are experiencing.
Get your Eneagram Map

Fill out your details:

Your Standard Enneagram Map

for private life and burnout coaching

Receive your

  • Standard Enneagram Report from Integrative9,
  • 90-minute one-on-one Enneagram session so you know your inner pathways towards burnout or energy, towards stuckness or fulfilment,
  • and a recording of your session.

You will

  • understand your driver and values,
  • understand how your inner pathways into stress or growth (and fulfilment),
  • learn how you can grow into your best self,
  • feel the relief of making sense of yourself.

If you already have an Enneagram Report from Integrative9, please contact me directly. We could just set up the Inner Map session.

Get your Eneagram Map

Fill out your details:

Three steps to knowing yourself

Step 1

Book a 30-minutes

meeting with me.

Step 2

Meet me.

Let's get to know each other.

Tell me about what is giving you grief.

Step 3

We make a plan

and get started.

Why the Enneagram?

The Enneagram is a personal development tool. It does not just show you who you are. This tool also reveals who you can be at your best - and how to get there.

It shows what drives you and how that influences your beliefs, values and strengths. Following your driver blindly can get you stuck, even in burnout. Understanding your driver brings you balance, and fulfilling success.

The Enneagram works like a map as you can trace your thoughts, feelings and actions. You can see where you are and how to steer your course past frustration, overwhelm, anxiety and burnout. Instead you can choose to grow and thrive. From the start the Enneagram gives you practical insights to feel and do better, as a leader, as a team member and at home.

It offers more and more depth the longer you work with it. You will have a life-long guide for your most important work: leading a conscious life at work and at home.

Happily designed by Vanja Lakerveld –