In this video on the 4 I focus on the feelings of the 4. I focus on the two drivers:
- The underlying sadness of the 4 which comes from a feeling of no one ever loving or understanding the real me and
- The need to be special.
For the 4 feelings are real. They are central to their lives. For a 4, emotions are always true. If I am upset, that is all that matters right now. I need to feel this, think about it and understand it.
4s get stuck in burnout as they are identified with their feelings which drain and feed their energies. They get utterly self-absorbed, melancholy and constantly engaged with their inner world. They are cut off from people around them when at the same time they seek to be understood and loved. This is how they go into the downward spiral into burnout.
In the video I explain how this works in more detail. I also show how to leave the spiral into burnout and work towards inner peace.
I do not focus on the aspect of creativity so much as I find that many people do not identify with this aspect of 4 energy. However, it is true, that 4s often try to make sense of their feelings through art. Small acts of creativity like doodles, diary entries or gardening to huge acts of creativity like painting and composing music or poetry help the 4 express their feelings. It unburdens them.